
Our 5 Favorite ESPN Mascot Commercials

If you’re a sports fan, chances are you’ve watched your share of ESPN. You’ve also probably laughed out loud when you caught one of the networks’ “This Is SportsCenter” commercials using mascots. Launched in 1995, the idea behind these commercials hasn’t changed much. They’re still exploring the fictional day-to-day life at ESPN’s Bristol, Connecticut office. But we’re not complaining. Why mess with something that works?

Just for fun, we’ve uncovered five our favorite ESPN commercials using a mascot as the main character. Here they are:

  1. ESPN Mascot Conference Commercial

Anyone who works in an office understands the awkwardness that accompanies a typical conference call – the tacky on-hold music, the long pauses, and the clumsy “Who’s on the line?” roll call. Here’s our favorite mascots in an ESPN commercial titled “Conference Call,” which debuted March 4 on TV and social media.

  1. ESPN Miles, Bronco Mascot and Blitz, Seahawk Mascot Commercial

In this ESPN’s SportsCenter commercial, titled “Long Week,” Miles the Bronco and Blitz the Seahawk come to heads in an elevator in front of the show’s hosts, Jay Crawford and Steve Levy. The mascots participate in some pretty juvenile antics that prove rivalries should be settled on the playing field — not in an office.

  1. ESPN Oregon Duck Mascot Commercial

If you’re like most people employed at an office, you probably work in a cubicle of some size and dimension. You may even have your own window that you get to gaze out so you can long to be part of the outside world.  That’s how the Oregon Duck Mascot feels in this ESPN commercial.

  1. ESPN NJ Devil’s Mascot Commercial

Here’s the New Jersey Devil, the mascot for the National Hockey League franchise, in an elevator ride.  And, guess what? He’s not going up!

  1. This Is SportsCenter – Matthew Stafford: Accident

Anyone who’s ever had to train a puppy is sure to laugh at this ESPN mascot commercial with Matt Stafford trying to train the Georgia Bulldog when he’s in Bristol.

These are our top five ESPN mascot commercials. Do you have a favorite that’s not on our list?  Send us the link and why you think it’s funny. We’re always ready for a good laugh.